Thanks for stopping by! If you have any questions, and are not answered in our FAQ, feel free to reach out to us at support@linecoast.com. We will respond ASAP, and remember to check your spam emails!


Is my payment data safe with you?
Do you accept online payments?
Where can I learn more about the payment and processing on your store?
What forms of payment do you accept?


How long does it take to get my products?

Domestic shipping can take up to 7-10 business days.

Foreign shipping could take up to 14 business days.

Due to global supply chain challenges, shipping times could be longer than usual.

How much does it cost?

Shipping rates can vary depending on your region and are calculated at checkout.

Here are the full details of our Shipping Policy.

Is there free shipping?

Yes, we offer free shipping for large domestic orders. Check the cart to see the current deal on free shipping.

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we ship our products all over the globe.

Please note that free shipping is not applicable for international orders and that shipping rates could vary depending on your region.

Do you ship to my area?

A full list of all of our shipping areas can be foundhere.

If your country or region is not mentioned, please feel free to reach out to see if we can work out the details.


Do I need to have an account to order?

No, you can also place an order as a guest.

Are there any exchange rates?

All of our transactions are based in USD. If your credit card is based in another currency, your order total will be calculated in accordance with the daily exchange rate of the date your card issuer processes the transaction.

How do I change or cancel my order?

We reserve the right at any time after receipt of the order to accept or decline the order, or any portion thereof, in our sole discretion, even after the Customer receives an order confirmation or after the credit card has been authorized. If the credit card has already been authorized for the purchase and the order is canceled, we will issue a credit to the original method of payment.

Please note that any orders that have already been packed or shipped cannot be canceled.

How do I set my shipping address?

Your order will be shipped to your PayPal address. Please ensure that it is correct and complete.

When will my order arrive?

Once the order has shipped, we will email your tracking information on the next day . We are not responsible for delays caused by the customs department in your country.

How do I track my order?

We will email your tracking information as soon as your order has shipped. Usually, you will receive the tracking number two day after we have shipped your order.

Can I use several discount codes in one order?

Promotion and discount codes cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions and discounts unless stated otherwise.

What Do I Do If I Have Missing Items In My Order?

If something is still missing, please contact us immediately.


Do you offer refunds?

Yes, we offer full and partial refunds.

Please enquire for more information about our Refund policy.

How long after I complete a purchase can I ask for a refund?

A refund request can be submitted within a month after the purchase is made.

Who pays the shipping costs in the case of a refund when the order doesn't have free shipping?

When an order does not include free shipping, all shipping costs (including the return shipping) are handled by the customer.

Who pays the shipping costs in the case of a refund when the order has free shipping?

When an order includes free shipping, only the cost of the return shipping is handled by the customer.

How much can I get refunded?

In the case when theproduct and packaging are unopened and undamaged, you areeligiblefor a full refund.

In the case whenthe packaging has been opened and the product has been used, you areeligiblefor a partial refund.

In the case when aproduct has been damaged, and the damage is not covered by your warranty, you arenot eligiblefor a refund.